Saedo keeps itself updated to comply with the new fire prevention regulations and operates nationwide to design and provide consultancy to its clients on fire prevention matters.
In recent years, fire prevention regulations have undergone significant changes to align with international Fire Safety Engineering standards
Saedo has adopted the new fire prevention code, which can be used in certain cases, while continuing to apply specific regulations (rtv and rto, standards, circulars, etc.) for facilities such as garages, hospitals, schools, etc., based on the activities subject to DPR ( Presidential Decree ) 151/2011.
Saedo guides its clients step by step, from submitting the SCIA (Certified Notification of Commencement of Activity) to obtaining certification from the Fire Brigade, through fire prevention design, to the execution of works. The company provides specific consultancy by liaising with provincial fire departments and competent fire prevention authorities.
Within our organization, we have fire prevention technicians who are registered in the Ministry of the Interior’s dedicated lists and are authorized to issue declarations through form completion. They also draft fire prevention certifications upon completion of work after conducting necessary inspections, both documentary and structural.